Religious Education Bureau (RIB)
Dino Durando, RIB Chairman
Chris Teel, RIB Secretary / Treasurer
Welcome Grand Knights, Ladies Auxiliary Presidents, and District Deputies to the Religious Information Bureau RIB State Program! Our hope is that our program will assist Councils in sharing our Catholic faith with our neighbors, whether church families or not.
Religious Information Bureau in the Past
The Religious Information Bureau, RIB, was developed in the 1940s by the Missouri State Council to help non-Catholics learn about the beliefs and practices of the Catholic Church. This was especially important in a time in which anti-Catholic bias was present in both religious and secular media. The Missouri State Council partnered with the Vincentian Priests and Brothers in Perryville, who started the Catholic Home Study Service that provided the free courses. Many of the materials were developed by the late Fr. Oscar Lukefahr, CM, a former State Chaplain for Missouri. Non-Catholics might take the home study courses available through the Catholic Home Study in order to learn about Catholicism prior to joining the church. The Missouri State Program was so successful that the Supreme Office developed the Catholic Information Service in 1953. That program is still very active today and can be a great resource for all the materials you can use to evangelize today. While the Vincentian partnership was immensely fruitful, and with the changing times, the Vincentians ended our partnership in November 2018 to invest more energy in preaching parish missions.
Religious Information Bureau Today
At the 118th Missouri State Convention in 2019, a new Religious Information Bureau program was announced. The new program consists of grants provided to each of our four Diocese’s to enhance their evangelistic efforts. Each Diocese provided their programs to the Columbian Charities grant committee for acceptance and funding. The new opportunities for the Dioceses to bring enhanced faith programs to their parishioners has been overwhelmingly well received. These programs will reach the four corners of Missouri with 21st century online technology at the forefront. Each of the Diocesan programs have given the Missouri Knights of Columbus acknowledgement of sponsorship and financial assistance. We are fortunate to currently have the Director of the Office of the Domestic Church and Discipleship, Diocese of Kansas City-St. Joseph, Dino Durando, helping guide this program. See below for a synopsis of each Diocesan Program.
Our Goal – $285,000
With the new program aligned to the four Dioceses in our State, we have had great financial support the first year that the program changed. We need everyone’s help even more than ever so we don’t let our Church down. We are continuing to ask each Council to assign a quota of $7.50 per member. Each member of the Ladies Auxiliary is asked to give $3.75. Fourth Degree Assemblies are asked to support this program with what they can. With 100% participation from the roughly 43,000 Knights in Missouri, we could raise $322,500, not to mention the additional from all of the Ladies Auxiliaries as well. Regular appeal letters will still be mailed so any Knights family that wants to give more than its quota of $7.50 can generously contribute.
Online Donations
Continuing is the facility to donate online to the Religious Information Bureau. The link is Be sure to note the “/rib” at the end of the giving site URL, which ensures that a contribution is designated to support the RIB. You have the opportunity to make a one-time donation or a monthly donation. On the giving page, donors must enter a Council number in the “Message” section for Councils to receive the credit. Once you are on the Giving Page, be sure to enter your Council information in the Message box.
Diocesan Programs
Below is a synopsis of each Diocesan program. You can see that your donations to RIB are being used effectively. Remember, that without these additional funds, your Churches in Missouri would not be able to provide these valuable programs!
St. Louis
Virtual Community for Faith Formation (University of Dayton – VLCFF and Notre Dame – STEP) Adults in 178 parishes may take online courses, allowing for certificates in Catechesis, adult formation leadership, social justice, foundations for leadership in ministry, youth ministry, and special needs.
Tuition Reimbursement for Virtual Religious Certification Courses
Catechesis of the Shepard (CGS) Training
Theology of the Body Training
Jefferson City
Catechesis Institute Online (Franciscan@home) with additional in-person training for leaders
Totus Tuus Training
Catechesis of the Good Shepard (CGS) Training
Springfield – Cape Girardeau
Catechesis Institute Online (Franciscan@home)
Evangelization Training for Parish Councils and Ministry Leaders (Diocesan Evangelization and Discipleship Summit)
Kansas City – St. Joseph
Catechesis Institute Online (Franciscan@home)
The Way of Discipleship Films (Sistine Films)
If U Love Me, 10 Commandments in Catholic Scholls and Family Program
Missouri Diocesan Websites & RIB Pages…
Archdiocese of St Louis | RIB Faith Formation
Diocese of Kansas City – St Joseph | RIB Faith Formation
Diocese of Jefferson City | RIB Faith Formation
Diocese of Springfield – Cape Girardeau | RIB Faith Formation
How Councils and Members Can Help Achieve our $285,000 Goal
Include the RIB donation with your Council’s or Auxiliary’s dues notic
Hold a parish/community fundraiser and donate the proceeds to the RIB.
Promote making a gift to the RIB as part of a member’s personal estate planni
Earn an annual $50 credit for your Council by displaying a RIB Board at a public event. The application for the credit is below and on the State Council webs If you need pamphlets for your RIB board, you can obtain them on the Supreme Council website under Catholic Information Services.
Encourage your Parish to use one of the programs that each of the Dioceses are offering. Each of the programs gives information that they are supported financially by the Knights of Columbus. This can also help Councils in recruiting new families.
Send out the online donation information to your Council members and your This is an easier way to either have your members donate $7.50 or to respond to our appeal letter, at Be sure to have your members include your Council number in the Message section on the giving page.\
Awards for the Fraternal Year 2024-2025
Special Recognition: All Councils achieving at least 100% of their goal by March 31, 2025 will be inducted into the Circle of Honor society for the current year and will receive a Commemorative Certificate of Recognition. The Council’s name will be inscribed with all the other Councils attaining this award and will be on display at the State Convention. Grand Knights whose Councils have attained 125% of their quota will be honored with the RIB Apostolate Cross Pin.
Council Awards: Each Council achieving 100% of their quota will receive a silver plate. Councils achieving 125% or more of their quota will receive a gold plate. Councils achieving 125% of quota will also be honored with the RIB Apostolate Cross pin.
Ladies Auxiliaries: Same criteria as the above Council Awards except the President will receive the Ladies RIB Apostolate Cross for achieving 125% of their quota
District Deputies: In appreciation of their efforts, the Apostolate Cross pin will be awarded to the District Deputies whose districts attain at least 100% of their cumulative quota.
RIB Awards:
Highest Percentage per Member
Highest Gross Amount Donated by an Individual Council
Highest Dollar Amount Donated over Quota
<Display Board Credit Application – Under Construction>
Tom Gray
Scholarship Chairman
C 417-429-7908 H 417-869-1785