Faith In Action Supreme Programs

Jubilee Year 2025 – Pilgrims of Hope

Pope Francis has decreed that on December 24th, 2024 the Holy Door of the Basilica of St. Peter in the Vatican will be opened.  This will mark the beginning of the Jubilee Year 2025.  The Jubilee Year will conculed with the closing of the Holy Door of the Basilica of  St. Peter’s on Jan 6th of 2026, the Solemnity of the Epiphany of the Lord.  The theme for the Jubilee Year is Pilgrims of Hope. Pope Francis has asked all Bishops to offers places for the Faithful to hold Pilgrimages in each Diocese.  This is meant to help ALL the faithful have the opportunity to celebrate the Jubilee as pilgrims who may not have the means or the ability to travel to one of the Basilicas that will have their Holy Doors opened.  We as Knights are called upon to support our Bishops, Priests, and Congregations.  When your Bishop announces the programs for your Diocese make sure to support the programs through prayer, and man power when called upon

Building the Domestic Church – Kiosk & Catholic Information Service

Help strengthen the domestic church (our families) by providing exceptional religious education materials to all Catholics. Building the Domestic Church Kiosks contain engaging, faith-based literature and are available for councils to distribute to members, parishioners, and the general public. By organizing activities in your parishes, councils will educate and evangelize using the rich resources found in the Catholic Information Service (CIS) Building the Domestic Church series of booklets. For $150, councils will receive a Building the Domestic Church Kiosk (#BDC-K) and the first set of 225 booklets of the most popular CIS resources, aimed at helping Catholics to live out the Church’s vision for our families.

Into The Breach

Deepen member spirituality and formation to combat the crisis of religious faith in our world. Into The Breach is a call to battle for Catholic men which urges them to embrace masculine virtues in a world at crisis. Councils can institute men’s study groups to read the Apostolic Exhortation Into the breach and use copies of the Into the Breach Booklet and Study Guide as a resource.

Rosary Program

Build faithful families and communities through rosary prayer.  The Knights of Columbus Rosary Program encourages councils to promote devotion to the rosary in our families and parishes by scheduling regular rosary prayer services.  Kits with rosary rings, rosary prayer guides, and leader books are available for councils to order.  This program encourages devotion to Mary, the patroness of our Order, and emphasizes the importance of prayer in community and as a family.

Sacramental Gifts

Support families during the most important events in the life of the domestic church: the sacraments.  Councils will play an integral role in these momentous faith events and the lives of our families and parish community through prayer and the presentation of symbolic gifts.  As children and adults, members become more integrated into the life of the church and their parish, they should know that members of the Knights of Columbus will always be present in a tangible and meaningful way, regardless of who else is there for them.

Spiritual Reflection

Create annual opportunities for prayer and reflection together as a fraternity. Under the guidance of our chaplains, councils can attend a retreat or day of reflection together or organize their own event for the families of the parish.