Diocesan Chairmen

TBA, Archdiocese of St. Louis
Chris Bradfield, Diocese of Kansas City-St. Joseph
Les Erwin, Diocese of Springfield-Cape Girardeau
David Kiesling, Diocese of Jefferson City

The diocesan chairmen are the liaisons between the Knights of Columbus and the dioceses of Missouri. They are responsible for the all programs in the diocese done in conjunction with the Knights, including helping Councils and Auxiliaries identify seminarians to sponsor. Chairmen will communicate with the District Deputies and Grand Knights concerning activities and opportunities within their areas, and keep in touch with the dioceses on individual council activities. If we are to build up the Catholic Church, good communications with our Bishops are extremely vital for our success.

Refund Support Vocations Program (RSVP)

Keep the faith alive by supporting our seminarians and postulants.  As the strong right arm of the church, Knights of Columbus are committed to providing moral, financial and spiritual support to our future priests and religious at all stages of their formation. A featured program, RSVP counts for two credits toward the Columbian Award.  Knights of Columbus stand in solidarity with our priest and religious.  Through this program, council and parish families will raise funds to support seminarians in their areas.  For every $500 donated to an individual seminarian or religious aspirant, Supreme Council will refund $100 back to the council, up to a maximum of $400 refund per council per fraternal year.

Form 2863 must be used to apply for reimbursement, and receive featured program credit. Copy your diocesan chairman as well.  A good way to use your reimbursement from Supreme is to donate this reimbursement to the Missouri Religious Vocations Fund, which, as a reminder, is a completely different program.