Msgr. Joseph Mancuso Catholic Education Grant Program

Fr. Joseph Weber, Jr., Chairman

Providing a strong Catholic education for our youth has always been a priority of the Missouri State Knights of Columbus. Beginning in 1984, Msgr. Joseph Mancuso spearheaded a drive to establish a $1,000,000 Trust Fund to support and fund Catholic education programs around the state. Since 1990 interest earned from this fund has provided over $740,000 in grants to Catholic schools and parish-based religious programs. For the 2024-2025 fraternal year this program is able to provide grants totaling $40,000 to 59 of 61 applicants for education programs throughout the four dioceses in Missouri.

Catholic schools, which include Pre-Schools, Parochial Schools, Vacation Bible Schools, and High Schools along with K-12 religious education programs, can apply for either a $500 or $1000 grant. Application forms are available on the state council website under the forms section and are due no later than March 1st – no late forms will be accepted. Applications must be made online, if you have issues with the online form please contact Fr. Weber. Please follow the criteria precisely.

Grant Criteria when submitting your application:

  • Deals with a specifically Catholic dimension of education which is in conformity with the Magisterium of the Catholic Church.
  • Would affect a high percentage of the potential number of students enrolled or other persons involved.
  • Shows promise of continuing after the initial funding is expended.
  • Does not merely replace what is an expected service but offers an improved dimension (supplements basic programs, does not supplant, or initiates a needed program).
  • Could be replicated in other Catholic educational settings.
  • Show clearly the basis of need for this project.
  • Show clearly the inability of the local setting to meet this need.
  • Would be implemented by personnel with appropriate background and expertise.
  • Is accompanied by a budget which meets requirements and includes no request for overhead expenses unless it is a new project.
  • Offers matching effort (not necessarily financial) on the local level to the extent possible.

Grant Application