Marian Hour Devotion for Life

The Supreme Council encourages every Council to host a Marian Hour of Prayer Service for Life this year. This devotion is a powerful way to unite in prayer and demonstrate our commitment to the dignity of life.

Steps to Organize a Marian Hour of Prayer Service

  1. Contact your chaplain or pastor: Schedule the prayer service at a time that works for them.
  2. Select a location: A church is ideal, but you may also use your Council Hall or meeting area.
  3. Set a date and time: Choose a date that is convenient for your chaplain and most members.
  4. Plan a companion event: Pair the prayer service with another activity, such as a breakfast, picnic, banquet, or membership drive.
  5. Promote your event: Use your Council newsletter, parish bulletin, diocesan newspaper, and other channels to spread the word.
  6. Submit a report: After the event, report on the service and send it to Chairman Dave Mitchell.

Resources Provided

The Supreme Office has supplied three icons and accompanying Marian prayer books to assist with the devotion. These icons are currently circulating throughout Missouri. Your District Deputy will coordinate the icon’s availability and inform your Council when it can be used for a parish or Council service.

Contact Information

For questions or assistance, contact:

Dave Mitchell
Marian Hour Devotion Chairman
Or reach out to your District Deputy.