Multiple Stars

Double Star: 200% membership
Triple Star: 300% membership

For Additional Information:

Kenneth Yunker, Jr.
Chairman – Awards and Star Councils
Cell: 816-510-9390
Home: 816-229-2587

Safe Environment Compliance

For this Fraternal year, Grand Knights, Program Directors, Family Directors, and Community Directors must complete the training if they have not already done so. The Family Director and Community Director must also submit information for a background check.

Columbian Award Reminders:

The application MUST be received at Supreme BY June 30. It must be completely filled out with four programs in each of the four Faith in Action areas (Faith, Community, Family, and Life). Remember to take advantage of the “Featured Programs” from Supreme.

Contest of Champions:

One award is presented to the council in Missouri that shows the highest percentage of membership quota attained, and one award is presented to the council that shows the highest number of additions over deductions recorded.

Century Club Award:

This prestigious award is presented to a council which records a net membership increase of 100 new members in the fraternal year.

State & Supreme Incentives:

Both Supreme and the Missouri State Council offer various membership incentives throughout the year. The State incentives will be announced through email, the state newsletter, the Mariner, or you can check with your DD or Chairman Kenneth Yunker, Jr. Supreme notifies members directly regarding membership incentives.