
Exemplifications of Charity, Unity, and Fraternity

Degree ceremonies impart lessons that inspire men to serve while introducing them to our Order. With the Exemplification of Charity, Unity, and Fraternity, or Unified Degree, men learn the lessons of the Knights of Columbus. Moreover, as the ceremony is open to family and friends, we can introduce the Order to our parish community. Your council is encouraged to ask your pastor for permission to hold the ceremony in your church, while having a get-together or dinner afterwards.

Forming a Degree Team

Each council should have its own degree team. While the parts no longer must be memorized, presenting the Exemplification to your new council members gives you the opportunity to welcome them into the Order. It is something that they will appreciate. Please contact the Ceremonials Chairman if you have questions or need help forming a degree team.

Monthly Degrees/State Calendar

This year, each district is required to have a degree ceremony every month. Councils can certainly have more if needed. But with monthly district degrees, councils will always have a local place to take new members. Supreme also offers virtual degrees that can be used in the absence of a team, ensuring that there is no reason to make a man wait to join the Knights of Columbus.

Please post your degrees on the state calendar at the bottom of the state website: www.mokofc.org. You can also find a list of degrees there.

Supreme’s Resources

For more information, visit Supreme’s ceremonial resources at: https://www.kofc.org/en/for-members/resources/ceremonials.html?1tab=1tab0.

Unified Degree Ceremony for Members

Be sure that all members who did not complete the Third Degree under the prior system are invited to complete a Unified Degree ceremony. After the conclusion, they will become Third Degree members.

Online Members

It is critical that you reach out to online members in your area and ask them to join your council. The online membership chairman will help coordinate online members in your area. Of course, respect the wishes of an online member if they do not wish to join your council.

Sean Rieke
State Ceremonials Chairman
Phone: 636-375-2399
Email: sean.rieke@gmail.com