Recognition Programs

Every other month, State Directors select a Knight, Family, and Youth for recognition. For state awards, please submit the online application for Knight, Family, or Youth of the Month. Winners receive a plaque or certificate recognizing their achievement. Applications are due by the 15th day of odd months (July, September, November, January, March, and May) and are selected the following months. Annual winners are chosen from the March 2024 – January 2025 bimonthly winners. For questions and submission, contact the Recognition Chairman.

Knight of the Month

The Knight of the Month award can be given to any Knight in good standing, except State Officers, Directors, Chairmen, District Deputies, and Grand Knights, who are not eligible. Consider using the Knight of the Month certificate (#1476) and the Knight of the Year certificate (#1545) to recognize achievements.

Family of the Month and Year

The Family of the Month or Family of the Year award includes the Knight and at least one immediate family member, such as a spouse, child, or parent. Families of State Officers, Directors, Chairmen, District Deputies, and Grand Knights are not eligible. Our State program is different from the Supreme program.

Councils are encouraged to submit their Family of the Month winners to the Supreme Family of the Month contest. Each month, 100 families are selected at random by the Supreme Office to receive a beautiful Holy Family gift and a certificate signed by the Supreme Knight. Families entered into the Supreme Family of the Month contest do not need to be a Knight-member family but should be a Catholic family within your Council’s parish service area. Submit form #10680 by the 15th of each month.

Youth of the Month

The Youth of the Month award is open to any child under the age of 18, who is either the child of a Knight, a Columbian Squire, or a Columbus Girl. Eligible youth must remain practical Catholics and be in good academic standing at their school. For more details, contact the Recognition Chairman.