2025 State Knights of Columbus Golf Tournament
July 19, 2025, Starting times 8am or 1:30pm
At the beautiful Mozingo Lake Golf Course located at 24665 Ridge Road, Maryville, MO 64468.
This is a 2 person Scramble format and $150.00 per player, This includes a "Event Polo Shirt" for each player.
There are two ways to register for this event.
First is by mail, Download the Registration form and send it in with a check.
If you want to sponsor a hole click Hole Sponsor and Use a Credit Card or Debit card.
The other is right here on this website. You can register, enter your golfers information and pay by CC or debit card. Just click here to Registration Online When registering by the website, please have the information of your partner, address, email, phone, name and shirt size. as you will be prompted to enter your partners information. When registering online, you will register as a team, and will be charged as a team.
For additional information contact:
Ron Mathias - 660-528-0767 or email ron.mathias.kofc@gmail.com
Mike Grudzinski - 660-541-1182 or email michgrud@gmail.com